Vibration dampeners are permitted. They may be installed in the riser by the manufacturer, or by attaching aftermarket dampeners directly to the riser or to weight(s). Any combination of weight(s) and vibration dampener(s) must pass through a ring with an inside diameter of 12.2 cm (+/- 0.5mm) without having to flex vibration dampeners to fit through the 12.2 cm ring. A riser manufacturers´angled stabilizer insert(s) are allowed, but angular brackets or connectors are not permitted. Weight(s) and dampener(s) may be added below and above the riser’s grip, but must not aid the athlete in aiming or ranging in any way.
さて、まずはルール改定の理由については公式では「アーチャーの怪我を減らすため(In an effort to reduce repetitive motion injuries)」とされていますが、ベアボウはダンパーがないから怪我しやすいという話は聞いたことがないです。というかリカーブよりよほど体に優しいです。